tajuk di atas amat pelik bukan??
Namun itulah yang dapat menggambarkan keadaan masa kini dalam kehidupan seharian.
dengan tenang ku katakan...
Aku sudah jatuh hati!
rasa macam pelik pula bila mengatakan begini!
biarlah dahulu sementara menjadi rahsia~
kerana masih tidak tahu adakah bertepuk tepek tepik sebelah tangan jee
atawpun kedua-dua tangan sudah bertepuk gembira.
apabila sampai masanya akan diceritakan siapakah empunya badan manusia itu~
diri ni pun masih pelik bagaimana boleh terjadi semua ni.
hanya tahu...
setelah pulang ke rumah..
menjauhkan diri...
kurang menghantar msg..
terasa kekosongan..
biarkan lah dahulu..
seperti kata rumate : 'que sera, sera" < -- what ever will be, will be
haha :P
bukan memilih mahupun high taste bak kata orang..
cuma sedar dengan diri sendiri...
baru sekarang hati tu bergolak kembali setelah sekian lama membujang~
ceeewahh membujang! hahaha tergelak sendirian melihat perkataan membujang ituu!
hahaha mari gelak bersama~ hahaha
ini adalah diri saya yang sebenar.
*berperangai kebudak-budakan walaupon tidak la budak pon
*dan macam2 lagi.
jadi ini diri saya terimalah seadanya. kerana saya tidak akan berubah menjadi seseorang yang
lain hanya untuk diri si dia. take me as what i am. seperti mana saya menerima anda sebagai mana diri anda yang sedia ada. tidak perlu berubah sifat hanya untuk meminati seseorang.
nanti bila tiba masanya.. insyaallah akan diceritakan siapa orangnya :)
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Saturday, May 30, 2009
istimewa buat seorang rakan
*muhammad ghausillah*
P/S: salah silap haraf dimaafi dan semoga berjumpa lagi di awal semester july 09!
*muhammad ghausillah*
P/S: salah silap haraf dimaafi dan semoga berjumpa lagi di awal semester july 09!
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Owh catchy song~ :D
I love this song~
Lets go back to the 80's where the quality of music produced
able to smack us down after hearing it.
meanwhile.. enjoy this song~ :)
Though we've got to say good-bye
For the summer
Darling, I promise you this
I'll send you all my love
Everyday in a letter
Sealed with a kiss
Yes it's gonna be cold, lonely summer
But I'll fill the emptiness
I'll send you all my dreams
Everyday in a letter
Sealed with a kiss
I'll see you in the sunlight
I'll hear your voice everywhere
I'll run to tenderly hold you
But, Darlin' you won't be there
I don't wanna say good-bye
For the summer
Knowing the love we'll miss
Let us make a pledge
To meet in September
And seal it with a kiss
Sealed with a kiss
Sealed with a kiss
Sealed with a kiss
sejak akhir2 ni.. aku mula perasan kecenderungan music yang aku minati
bukan lagi pada techno, rnb dan sebagainya seperti yang diputarkan oleh media2 radio masakini.
minat mula bertukar arah kepada sesuatu yang lama dan classic selepas mendengar siaran light and easy.
oleh itu dicadangakan agar kamu juga mendengar lagu ini dan berikan pendapat.
bukan ingin mempengaruhi tetapi sebagai satu perkongsian.
music is not something that u love because others! it is something that triggers your heart to fall in love with it :)
p/s : aku x tahu kenapa aku letak gamba ni. just suka dengan gambar ini. haha xp
Lets go back to the 80's where the quality of music produced
able to smack us down after hearing it.
meanwhile.. enjoy this song~ :)
Though we've got to say good-bye
For the summer
Darling, I promise you this
I'll send you all my love
Everyday in a letter
Sealed with a kiss
Yes it's gonna be cold, lonely summer
But I'll fill the emptiness
I'll send you all my dreams
Everyday in a letter
Sealed with a kiss
I'll see you in the sunlight
I'll hear your voice everywhere
I'll run to tenderly hold you
But, Darlin' you won't be there
I don't wanna say good-bye
For the summer
Knowing the love we'll miss
Let us make a pledge
To meet in September
And seal it with a kiss
Sealed with a kiss
Sealed with a kiss
Sealed with a kiss
sejak akhir2 ni.. aku mula perasan kecenderungan music yang aku minati
bukan lagi pada techno, rnb dan sebagainya seperti yang diputarkan oleh media2 radio masakini.
minat mula bertukar arah kepada sesuatu yang lama dan classic selepas mendengar siaran light and easy.
oleh itu dicadangakan agar kamu juga mendengar lagu ini dan berikan pendapat.
bukan ingin mempengaruhi tetapi sebagai satu perkongsian.
music is not something that u love because others! it is something that triggers your heart to fall in love with it :)
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Sarawak~ a place yang best!
A place that is sweet enough to be forgotten for any people who has been here.
Honestly, i fall in love with this city due to the quite environment, no traffic
jam occurs, leisure drive, lifestyle that is not moving fast enough and best of all
most of the people are friendly enough.
Been here on march actually and sorry due to the restriction of time,
only now i'm able to share with all of u.
Gonna go again to this place for another venture! that's for sure..
till we meet again Sarawak! :)
Friday, May 22, 2009
an end towards the hectic life

life as a student always seems cheerful, tired, happy, sad, crazy, and many more.
say as what u want to say because every people live their own life.
mine has been great since the day i have entered the primary school and due to that i thank GOD for all of the happy moment i am able to enjoy for the past 17 years that i have spent in school, boarding school and university.
when we lost something that's value-able then at that moment
we feel our life is not complete as what it is. we think and search on our memory cells'
trying hardly to remember those precious moment that we had enjoyed.
and because of that, we're gonna appreciate it more than anyone
could do because in present we are dealing with something that
is same everyday for the rest of our life.
even though my life as an engineering student is a bit misery and not been able to enjoy the university life, yet there is still gonna be some part
of the memory left behind especially escaping
those boring classes, hanging out till midnight at
mamak stall chit chatting on something that might be
useful and sometimes just a stupid chat.
but i am pretty sure that
those memory will always stay inside my mind once
i enter the working life. not to deny that it might gonna be amazing for the first 2 or 3 years when i start working as a civil engineer
but when it comes towards some point or specific
word for it critical region of doing the same thing
everyday, definitely im gonna be bored doing it.

everyday getting up from bed exactly at 6 am. having breakfast until 7.30 am. go to work at 7.30 and be back at 5.00 pm everyday. imagine everyday doing the same routine until i retired. what a pathetic life it is. then come into my mind this one question that im still unable to answer and i believe most of the poeple still have not been able to find this asnwer as well.
"what do i want in this life? where am i going actually?"
this kind of question always be in my mind
and sent me to sleep every single night without
having an aswer towards it. what do i really search in my life. what kind of life do i really want to live. what i mean by kind of life is not a life that every
people aimed for such as "i wanna be successful!", "i wanna be rich" and so forth.
this kind of thinking is not something that we really want to achieve because of the environment that we are
living in present that makes us think that way.
what im delivering now is something that my heart really want it to be. a life that i wont regret when im quite old enough later on.
up until now.. still searching... have u found ur answer towards ur life?
think about it dear readers..
this is the answer that i leave for all of u.
"what are the things that u really seek in life"
u dont need to answer me because im not the person who u should tell.
it is u, yourself that needs to hear it.
warms regards~ :)

say as what u want to say because every people live their own life.
mine has been great since the day i have entered the primary school and due to that i thank GOD for all of the happy moment i am able to enjoy for the past 17 years that i have spent in school, boarding school and university.
when we lost something that's value-able then at that moment
we feel our life is not complete as what it is. we think and search on our memory cells'
trying hardly to remember those precious moment that we had enjoyed.
and because of that, we're gonna appreciate it more than anyone
could do because in present we are dealing with something that
is same everyday for the rest of our life.
even though my life as an engineering student is a bit misery and not been able to enjoy the university life, yet there is still gonna be some part
of the memory left behind especially escaping
those boring classes, hanging out till midnight at
mamak stall chit chatting on something that might be
useful and sometimes just a stupid chat.
but i am pretty sure that
those memory will always stay inside my mind once
i enter the working life. not to deny that it might gonna be amazing for the first 2 or 3 years when i start working as a civil engineer
but when it comes towards some point or specific
word for it critical region of doing the same thing
everyday, definitely im gonna be bored doing it.

everyday getting up from bed exactly at 6 am. having breakfast until 7.30 am. go to work at 7.30 and be back at 5.00 pm everyday. imagine everyday doing the same routine until i retired. what a pathetic life it is. then come into my mind this one question that im still unable to answer and i believe most of the poeple still have not been able to find this asnwer as well.
"what do i want in this life? where am i going actually?"
this kind of question always be in my mind
and sent me to sleep every single night without
having an aswer towards it. what do i really search in my life. what kind of life do i really want to live. what i mean by kind of life is not a life that every
people aimed for such as "i wanna be successful!", "i wanna be rich" and so forth.
this kind of thinking is not something that we really want to achieve because of the environment that we are
living in present that makes us think that way.
what im delivering now is something that my heart really want it to be. a life that i wont regret when im quite old enough later on.
up until now.. still searching... have u found ur answer towards ur life?
think about it dear readers..
this is the answer that i leave for all of u.
"what are the things that u really seek in life"
u dont need to answer me because im not the person who u should tell.
it is u, yourself that needs to hear it.
warms regards~ :)

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