Thursday, October 29, 2009

baru ku sedari

Hari ni baru mula balik ada rasa semangat nak continue tulis something
in this blog after sekian lama menyepikan diri. Baru teringat actually that
i do have a blog rather than DO i have a BLOG?? orang kata lepas lama x menulis and asyik mendiamkan diri, banyak perubahan dalam diri berjaya diobserve and might be boleh share sedikit sebanyak dengar orang yang sudi membaca. apa2 hal sekalipun tujuan tulis blog ni waktu2 pagi yang sepi and kedinginan angin malam ni dapat la menceritakan tentang2 anjakan paradigma yang da berlaku. so minta maaf kalau ada yang baca rasa macam what kind of bullshit is this or so on sebab mood pagi2 ni rasa macam nak bercerita. :) please bare with me for a while.

Kehidupan di UTP memang sangat2 dibencikan for me after ive stayed here for 3 months. its not like that im not grateful enough for being here. its just that sometimes the system makes u feel like u dont want to comply with it. Not the only reason of the poor management, ive been treating (i used it here as i because not everyone might feel the same as i do) like i dont pay a single cent for study-ing here eventhough that i actually do pay every semester just that i have to return the payment by working and bonded with petronas for a duration of 10 years!

But most of the management and lecturer might not realize about it and keep on saying u all got a scholer from petronas and u dont deserve to say anything. ure being sponsered! who care if i got a sponsorship or not and if they really realized about it, we are talking about money and we have the right on every single money that we pay! lets say worst scenario happens where im not employed by Petronas and i have to pay for the money since its not full scholarship (convertable loan). i still have to pay the money and that means im paying it on my own. but what do i get for paying things that doesnot satisfied me for the money that is spent. Most of UTPian doesnt care much about it. but for me, its a big matter.

second thing is that UTP is such a small campus and the faculty here is only limited to 8 faculties consist of civil, mechanical, electrical, chemical, petroleum, geoscience, Business and Information communication technology. so the number of student is not that much as other university have. if for other universities it is quite accepted for me if they are not managed well enough because of the population is huge. but in UTP, eventhough the population is small compare to other universities, still sadly to say the performance is not up to the standard. i thought that when we deal with smaller number of population it is better and easier to manage rather than have to deal with huge population. and guess what the assumption is totally wrong!

third thing is that the mindset of the people here that like to bother what others people do makes me tired and sick of it. seems busy body to know everysingle thing that we do in daily life. yes i know some people will say that they are being busybody because they concern about us but if im not mistaken now we are big enough to deal with everysingle aspect in this life. if they are too busy body about other people's business then why dont they care about theirselves in the first place. it is not wrong to do that if and only if that we have managed ourself well enough and every single weakness that we hold has been fixed first. then after that if they want to do it, with all due respect please continue with this attitude. No one's going to blame u for helping other people.
hargh! basically that is what i feel and i dont know what other people think about it. i dont quite care on what people thinks about me pon sebab for me sekarang everyone is big enough to think wisely and otak yang dikurniakan kepada setiap insan tu sama. kalau komputer dibina berasaskan otak manusia, kenapa kita x boleh gunakan kepakaran otak yang diberikan untuk berfikir sejenak yang mana elok dan mana tidak. Akal yang bezakan antara manusia dan haiwan. haiwan pun ada otak tapi x mampu berfikir. Manusia pula dikurniakan akal dan fikiran dalam membantu menaikkan ketamadunan dan memperbaiki kehidupan. kalau akal tidak digunakan dan kita tidak berfikir, apa yang membezakan kita dan haiwan?

p/s : kalau kita malas berfikir, lama2 nanti karat and sebab da karat, mula la kita bercakap bende2 yang sungguh membosankan dan x masuk akal. jadi GUNAKAN LAH OTAK KITA :)

Sunday, August 30, 2009


hari ni. genaplah sudah 52 tahun kemerdekaan kita sambut.
setelah genap beberapa abad negara kita dijajahi oleh empayar british yang rakus
mengaut hasil keuntungan bumi malaysia yang kaya dengan pelbagai khazanah.
apa yang tinggal pada kita, hanyalah secebis laungan kemerdekaan yang acap kali
kita banggakan.
apakah maksud kemerdekaan itu sendiri pada setiap hati dan pengertian anak bangsa melayu,
india dan cina serta kaum2 minority yang lain. masing2 menginap di tanah air tercinta yang tergabung oleh 12 negeri di semenanjung dan 3 negeri di kepulauan borneo.
pembangun serta kemodenan yang dibina hanya tertumpu di bandar2 besar.
sedih mengatakan masih ada kawasan2 yang dimana taraf hidup masih samar2 tidak dimajukan dan kehidupan manusia yang buta huruf agak tidak berubah. kehidupan kebiasaan atawpun rigid masih memonopoli sebilangan besar anak2 petani dan felda disebabkan tidak ditekankan
nilai2 akademik yang amat penting dalam dunia yang mementingkan pelajaran masa kini.
kalau seorang graduan yang memiliki segulung ijazah sudah mempunyai persaingan yang hebat dalam mendapatkan tempat kerja bagi mendapatkan sesuap nasi dan menyara diri, inikan pula apatah lagi anak2 yang hanya mampu menamatkan persekolahan dan tidak mampu membiayai yuran pengajian yang amat tinggi. UITM memang tidak diakui oleh sesiapa pun bahawa itu adalah tempat untuk pengajian kebanyakan (majority) bangsa melayu. tapi taraf pendidikan yang didapati dari UITM sekarang agak susah jika mahu dibandingkan dengan institusi-institusi pengajian tinggi yang lain. mungkin kreadibility institusi UITM ramai yang memperagui kehebatan pelajar2 yang menamatkan pengajian disini. kaum melayu sudah patut untuk memikirkan tentang diri sendiri. harus patut untuk mula mengorak langkah dalam memperjuangkan ekonomi sendiri. kaum cina lama sudah mengorak langkah dalam menempatkan diri mereka menguasai ekonomi malaysia yang semakin pesat membangun. apa yang kita harapkan hanyalah taraf status bumiputra dan keistimewaan orang melayu yang kita ada demi mendapatkan perlindungan diri. kita hanya diajar untuk bertahan dan tidak untuk mahu kedepan. banyak iklan yang dipaparkan di tv masa kini ada mengandungi pengjaran yang kalau kita nilai, kita mampu untuk bergerak ke hadapan. kalau diikutkan, sebenarnya orang melayu mempunyai otak yang pintar dan bijak. jika tidak masakan petronas mampu untuk tersenarai antara top 20 most profitable company in the world for oil and gas? rata2 kebanyakan kaum melayu yang menjadikan impian itu suatu kenyataan di dalam company petronas itu.

dimana ada kemahuan, pasti akan ada jalan yang menyambungkan angan2 menjadi kenyataan.
akhirkata, adakah merdeka yang kita sambut ini yang kita laung-laungkan ini hanya tinggal menjadi kata2 ataw pon menyebabkan kita terus maju kehadapan.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

follow up. latest outbreak

current status untuk masa ini : bersenang lenang.

keadaan semasa : incubation period.

healing period : mengharap dan menanti.


Sunday, August 2, 2009

H1n1 memang cibai

One word for u swine flu or influenza A H1N1!

u sucks!

shit dan gampang betul!
sebab ko. aku kene quarantine!

terima kasih H1N1!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Urban Scape 2009

this year's urbanscape
what i can say
is happening and fun
every entertainment is there
from acoustic performance,
live band performance, club in open air
street performance, art shows, screening
to the market place.
what i can say is that it was tip top and

I got a chance to be a volunteer in this event
and i was in charge of the shuttle bus.
where they called as a shuttle bus minder.
want to know what do we do in this job scope?
here's the elaboration:

1) greet people from the check point and direct them into the
service bus provided by the event manager
*getting a new connection with hot chicks who wants to go there*!
(thanks lord for these girls) :D

2) make sure the bus leaves on time at every destination
less job to do and have more time to go around

3) make sure every body feels calm and relaxed through out the journey
just give them aircond and they'll shut up their mouth

so basically that's what we did in this event
and yes we did that.
people tend to walk inside from the main entrance rather than using the
free service bus provided for them since because
the traffic was very-very congested
due to the number of cars entering the parking event.
so what does it mean?
it means that literally i had the chanced to walk around
with the so called new chinese "girl friend"
that i actually met this morning during the briefing session.
thank you klpac for providing less parking
and letting me having a company to walk around.
he he he :P

the bands performance was two thumbs up.
i learn a new thing for performing as a singer.
using the big microphone = haller
is that how we spell it??
in performance just right in front of the microphone
can give a very different effect towards our voice that came out from the
our voice will be more condensed and thicker than before.
its like adding effect towards the guitar playing by increasing the gain volume
*ala serak2 basah la*
pop shuvit did the best performance today'
and they were jamming MJ' song - smooth criminal
and not performing since they never played that song before
and suddenly they feels like want to play it.
good and great actually.
spontaneous performance.

whatever it is, next thing to consider is to get the scuba diving license!
that's a must!
until next time!


Thursday, June 25, 2009

Bryan Adams

"Please forgive me, I know not what I do
Please forgive me, I can't stop loving you" 

this song kinda expressing all his feeling.
a bit mushy and full of love thing.
a singer sings to express his feeling
same like other normal human being
who's trying to express their natural feeling
such as

1) love
2) anger
3) depressed 
4) happy

 because there are lots of genre that we could
select according to the type that we love.
selection of music should not be
argued since because it is what 
that our soul and heart wants to hear.
what ever suits and blends into our ears
it is the one that makes our heart feel relieves 
when we hear it.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


" semakin lama kita duduk dalam satu kawasan tu
semakin kita rasa selesa
dan sememangnya itu sangat tidak bagus
dalam memperbaiki dan mengatasi
kelemahan diri "

hidup ni ibarat roda.
kadang kala kita ada di atas dan akan sampai masanya
bila kita harus duduk di bawah.
selalu bila kita duduk di bahagian atas, kita acapkali hanyut dibuai
dengan segala rasa dan nikmat kehidupan
sampaikan kadangkala kita lupa apa tujuan kita
dan matlamat hidup yang nyata.
ye la bila kita dilimpahkan dengan
segala jenis nikmat yang buatkan kita rasa bahagia
ada ke masanya kita nak ingat dekat orang lain yang
mungkin pada masa itu
sedang rasa bingung mahupun canggung dengan
masalah yang menimpa pada kehidupan diri mereka.

" kita rasa kita yang paling benar dan juga kita yang paling bagus "

percaya ataw tidak,
sememangnya kita ni manusia yang hina.
tipu untuk dikatakan kalau tak wujud pun sedikit perasaan
tu dalam diri manusia.
agak hipokrit kalau nak dikatakan kita ni manusia yang
mempunyai sifat rendah diri
or the term that we always know is
down to earth person.
hanya seseorang yang ku kenali memiliki sikap itu dan
tetapi dia telah lama meninggalkan kita
semua sehingga sampai waktu ajalnya
bukan harta mahupun keluarga yang diingati
tetapi umatnya sendiri.
itulah sikap dan peribadi seseorang yang patut kita contohi
dan dijadikan idola remaja-remaja masa kini.

" ni kai men, tian nar "

ni adalah chinese proverb yang bermaksud :
when u open up your door, u'll see mountain in front of u.

terpulang la kepada manusia itu untuk interpreate maksud proverb tu sendiri.
bagi diriku, dan pemahamanku
apa yang cuba ingin disampaikan bermaksud
bila kita bersikap terbuka dan melihat sesuatu tu dari sudut yang berbeza dan
terbuka pasti kita akan sedar
bahawa banyak benda yang mampu kita pelajari dan terokai
di dalam apa yang kita lihat tu.

sometimes, we are too scared to try something new,
and hey. why is that happen to certain people is
simply because we have been in our own
comfort zone for too long until it became our
second home and makes us feel safe there.

its not good because for me
once we are in that situation we are going to miss a lot of things in this world
that can make our eyes open widely.
we'll start to miss great opportunity that we are able to
seek in life that will makes our life merrier.

ku juga pernah berada dalam comfort zone itu buat suatu masa yang lama.
sejujurnya da hampir dua tahun aku tak melakukan sesuatu yang
dulu rasa malas dan selesa tu terlalu tebal hinggap di dalam diri
sehinggakan membuat aku hampir kurang keyakinan untuk
deal dengan life yang sungguh mencabar dan mengasyikkan ini.

tapi for the time being, im grateful enough that once again
im not inside that comfort zone anymore.
this hols has made me think a lot especially
before im off to slumberlan a.k.a sleep.
due to the emptiness that i felt in this life has
made my mind generates more ideas and something
that i really want to try in my life.

" u'll never know what u're capable of until u try it yourself "

ya ku ingin melakukan sesuatu yang berbeza untuk hidup ku
sepanjang cuti yang aku ada ini.
kerana nanti cuti pada bulan 12 ni aku akan mula busy dengan industrial training
selama 6 bulan or 7 bulan.
jadi aku tidak akan dapat melakukan perkara-perkara yang
dapat menarik minat ku ke arah sesuatu yang baru

apa yang aku mahukan dalam hidup ini
adalah sesuatu yang berbeza dan mencabar.
ku hanya ingin keceriaan dan pengalaman hidup
yang baru agar dapat dijadikan cerita buat santapan
anak cucu di kemudian hari.

sehingga ke post yang akan datang, buat masa sekarang aku ingin melakukan
research sendiri tentang pengalaman baru yang bakal aku timba.
apabila sudah selesai akan dipaparkan segala gambar dan diceritakan
pengalaman baru yang agak mengasyikkan ini nanti.

sehingga tiba hari itu.. diharap dapat bersabar :)

warms regard ~ :)

Thursday, June 11, 2009

something inside my mind

cuti memang terasa seakan begitu lama apabila kita duduk sendirian x berbuat apa2.
harini aku just ingin menulis. tu saja yang ada didalam pemikiran otakku.
apa yang ingin dicurahkan adalah sesuatu yang berkaitan dengan kisah hidup zaman kini.
semalam, aku baru berjumpa dengan seorang rakan yang agak lama tidak ku jumpa dari tarikh aku memasuki ke utp.
seorang rakan yang lama sudah kukenali sewaktu belajar bersama2 dengan ku ketika aku mempelajari bahasa kira2 3 tahun lepas iaitu sebaik saja habis aku menduduki spm.

hidup sebagai seorang yang perantau yang datang ke negara orang lain memang mencabar.
apa yang dimaksudkan disini adalah memerlukan ketahanan mental yang secukupnya melebihi ketahanan fizikal sesorang itu.
kadangkala, kita mudah untuk hanyut mengikut perasaan dan kesukaan kita dalam melakukan sesuatu. apatah lagi apabila kita duduk berjauhan dengan keluarga dan sanak saudara iaitu orang yang rapat dan mengawasi tindak tanduk perjalanan kehidupan kita. apa yang kita lalui seharian semua berdasarkan ketentuan kita sendiri. kita bebas untuk memilih gaya hidup apa sahaja yang kita rasa kita mahukan tidak kira ia salah disisi undang2, agama mahupun norma masyarakat.

mungkin sebab iman seseorang itu diuji dengan dahsyat sekali sehingga kita jatuh menunduk layu di kaki dan pujuk rayu syaitan sendiri. semua yang kita pada awalnya tahu itu salah bagi diri kita, kita redahi jua demi kepuasan yang bakal kita nikmati.

aku kadang kala ingin mempersoalkan.
1) apa yang mendorong kita untuk cuba melakukan benda yang x sepatutnya kita lakukan?
2) tak ada ke sikit pon perasaan takut dalam diri? kalau bukan pada manusia pun, ingat ada satu lagi kuasa yang hebat kat atas tu memerhati.
3) x wujud dah ke perasaan malu dalam diri seseorang manusia tu sampai terang-terangan melakukan sesuatu yang x patut kita lakukan?

tapi bila aku nilai balik, memang, tu semua x mudah untuk diharungi. bila kita sendirian di tempat orang asing, kita bersama rakan-rakan, pengaruh ataw kecenderungan kita untuk melakukan sesuatu tu lebih mudah terlaksana kerana ada faktor rakan sebaya yang membantu kita. suasana persekitaran juga memainkan peranan penting dalam mencorakkan perwatakan seseorang itu. faktor yang terbesar boleh kukira kerana dengan perubahan yang mendadak, kita lebih cenderung untuk berubah mengikut gaya persekitaran kita atawpun dengan nama lain culture shock. apa yang nampak baik di mata orang lain kita dengan senang menyetujui kebenaran sesuatu perkara. kita kadang2 lupa dengan asal diri kita, nilai2 murni yang pernah ada dalam diri kita sebelum kita datang ke sesuatu tempat yang asing tu.
kita lupa pada diri kita yang asal, ciri-ciri diri kita yang asal dan naluri hati semula jadi kita yang telah lama terpupuk. semua disebabkan ingin nampak cool di mata orang lain dan ingin memenuhi citarasa orang lain.

Biarkan la apa yang orang lain ingin katakan tentang diri kita ni. kita ni dari kampung ke, dari bandar ke, dari pinggir laut ke, dari muara sungai ke, dari celah2 hutan ke, dari felda ke, dari utara, dari kedah, dari selatan, dari timur apa yang paling penting adalah diri kita sendiri. cara perwatakan kita yang sedia ada itu sudah memadai. x perlu nak diubah kepada sesuatu yang bukan diri kita sendiri. setidak-tidaknya, aku bangga mengatakan aku respect setinggi-tingginya orang yang tidak terpengaruh n bangga dengan asal usul diri sendiri. pendirian mereka lebih teguh dan jitu jika nak dicomparekan dengan manusia yang mudah lupa diri. dah la x mengaku asal usul diri sendiri. nak ikut cara hidup orang lain pulak yang x mampu nak disara sendiri. ada hati nak berlagak. jadi aku lagi suka dengan manusia yang tahu kemampuan diri dan keupayaan. sebab manusia yang sedar dan kenal dengan diri sendiri inilah orang yang akan berjaya.

setidak-tidaknya aku ingat dengan suatu ini :

"al-insan an nasi'ah"

manusia itu adalah pelupa.
kadang kala kita memerlukan orang untuk menegur kita. terpulang dengan cara macam mana untuk kita menerima teguran itu yang membawa kepada perubahan besar dalam kehidupan kita. kadang kala kita terlalu buta untuk mengetahui dan melihat salah silap kehidupan yang telah kita lalui.

apa-apapun, x de kaitan dengan rakan yang ku jumpa semalam.
cerita ni aku ingin sampaikan kerana di dalam perjalanan dari rumah ke pantai hill park nak jumpa kawan baik tu. lalu di kawasan universiti station, ternampak sekumpulan anak muda luar negara melakukan sesuatu. tu saahaja. xde kaitan dengan siapa2.


Saturday, June 6, 2009

entering a new different world

having thought of doing something totally different and bizarre.
which means i really want to do something that i never did before!
something that can give me adrenalin rush, thrill experience and most important is
drive my passion into it.


Friday, June 5, 2009

amazed me once again

Oh bulan,
Keindahanmu malam ini tidak terungkap dengan kata-kata.
Pancaran sinaran cahayamu memukau mata.
Ku ingin bersama melihatmu lagi, bulan.
Tetapi datang awan gelap cuba menutupi keindahanmu
dengan melindungi gambaran dan pemandangan mataku.
Hatiku pilu pabila kau tiada.
Owh awan,
Andai diberi peluang untukku berdamping
dengan keindahan ciptaan tuhan
Ini lah masanya, jangan kau ambil dariku.
Ku ingatkan aku hanya bermimpi di siang hari
nyata awan sememangnya tidak langsung menghampakan hasrat hati.
Bulan kembali kelihatan di pandangan mata
menusuk sanubari memberi rasa kagum dihati
tentang kehebatan ciptaan ilahi.
aku bersyukur di atas pemberianmu ini
tidak tertanggung rasa hati memikirkan kekuasaan ciptaan mu yang maha suci
aku layu gugur menyembah bumi
andai bisa aku diberi peluang untuk menikmati lagi
izinkan aku. berikan aku masa agar dapat aku menghayatinya lagi.
bulan mengingatkan aku tentang kedamaian, kehebatan dan kecantikan.
namun ramai yang mengagumi kehebatan dan keindahan mu bulan.
tapi tidak ramai yang sanggup untuk datang dan bersama denganmu.
andai aku diberi peluang, aku ingin duduk bersama berdampingan denganmu
menghayati keindahan dan keasyikan berdua.
bulan aku harap kau akan datang lagi.
mengubati perasaan rindu di hati.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Family Outing

Genting highland!
it felt soo good especially to have fun after u have struggle and did your best in something that
u want in life.
u've worked so hard for it. all the effort that u poured into it and most of it u struggled to the end.
the nerves inside your body calms down right after u write the last letter in your exams paper.
naah~ lets forget about the exam shall we because the exams paper has finished long time ago and not worth to be remembered about it.

well lets talk about the fun part! Genting highland!
Even though ive been here quite many times, yet the adrenalin still shows up whenever i ride the solero shot! The adrenalin rush through out my body still amazes me and hell yeah including the screaming part! the scenary from the top of the solero shot makes me calm and peace.
But once the machine start free fall from the height of 100 meter it still makes me scream like hell! Only for the first shot only! Then came along the laughing part! Enjoyed looking at my sister's face and her husband that makes me laugh till i wanna cry.


Besides, for the first time ever i walk into casino! Honestly i have to say it freaks me out.
Bukan takut ape. Just i don't like entering this kind of place.
Even clubbing also i don't like it at all.
Its just the atmosphere doesn't suit me well. But my brother in law said just once and see what's inside it so that u know what makes people likes to go here.
Muka sorang2 semua tengah rancak main judi and x kisah berapa banyak duit habis.
No wonder the along nowadays keep on making their move through out the country.
These kind of people who borrowed money from these along are actually guilty because want to get easy money by gambling. hish...

Enough said about it. Well, a new experience ever! Been into the CHew SEEN temple! Quite beautiful actually! And besides, i got a chance to look at the 10 hells where they tried to educate the youngsters nowadays to keep back on the right track. U can see the pictures later on! :D

Over all, the outing was fun and hilarious! next place to go is perhentian island!
Time : within this month!

good bye genting =(
hello perhentian island! :D

till next time! bye!!

p/s : the pictures cannot be uploaded due to the internet error. after this i'll try to post it as many as i can.

warms regard~ :)

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Kacau dan Bilau

tajuk di atas amat pelik bukan??
Namun itulah yang dapat menggambarkan keadaan masa kini dalam kehidupan seharian.
dengan tenang ku katakan...
Aku sudah jatuh hati!
rasa macam pelik pula bila mengatakan begini!
biarlah dahulu sementara menjadi rahsia~
kerana masih tidak tahu adakah bertepuk tepek tepik sebelah tangan jee
atawpun kedua-dua tangan sudah bertepuk gembira.
apabila sampai masanya akan diceritakan siapakah empunya badan manusia itu~

diri ni pun masih pelik bagaimana boleh terjadi semua ni.
hanya tahu...
setelah pulang ke rumah..
menjauhkan diri...
kurang menghantar msg..
terasa kekosongan..
biarkan lah dahulu..

seperti kata rumate : 'que sera, sera" < -- what ever will be, will be

haha :P
bukan memilih mahupun high taste bak kata orang..
cuma sedar dengan diri sendiri...
baru sekarang hati tu bergolak kembali setelah sekian lama membujang~
ceeewahh membujang! hahaha tergelak sendirian melihat perkataan membujang ituu!
hahaha mari gelak bersama~ hahaha

ini adalah diri saya yang sebenar.
*berperangai kebudak-budakan walaupon tidak la budak pon
*dan macam2 lagi.

jadi ini diri saya terimalah seadanya. kerana saya tidak akan berubah menjadi seseorang yang
lain hanya untuk diri si dia. take me as what i am. seperti mana saya menerima anda sebagai mana diri anda yang sedia ada. tidak perlu berubah sifat hanya untuk meminati seseorang.

nanti bila tiba masanya.. insyaallah akan diceritakan siapa orangnya :)



Saturday, May 30, 2009

istimewa buat seorang rakan


*muhammad ghausillah*



P/S: salah silap haraf dimaafi dan semoga berjumpa lagi di awal semester july 09!


Thursday, May 28, 2009

Owh catchy song~ :D

I love this song~
Lets go back to the 80's where the quality of music produced
able to smack us down after hearing it.
meanwhile.. enjoy this song~ :)


Though we've got to say good-bye
For the summer
Darling, I promise you this
I'll send you all my love
Everyday in a letter
Sealed with a kiss

Yes it's gonna be cold, lonely summer
But I'll fill the emptiness
I'll send you all my dreams
Everyday in a letter
Sealed with a kiss

I'll see you in the sunlight
I'll hear your voice everywhere
I'll run to tenderly hold you
But, Darlin' you won't be there

I don't wanna say good-bye
For the summer
Knowing the love we'll miss
Let us make a pledge
To meet in September
And seal it with a kiss


Sealed with a kiss
Sealed with a kiss
Sealed with a kiss

sejak akhir2 ni.. aku mula perasan kecenderungan music yang aku minati
bukan lagi pada techno, rnb dan sebagainya seperti yang diputarkan oleh media2 radio masakini.
minat mula bertukar arah kepada sesuatu yang lama dan classic selepas mendengar siaran light and easy.
oleh itu dicadangakan agar kamu juga mendengar lagu ini dan berikan pendapat.
bukan ingin mempengaruhi tetapi sebagai satu perkongsian.

music is not something that u love because others! it is something that triggers your heart to fall in love with it :)

p/s : aku x tahu kenapa aku letak gamba ni. just suka dengan gambar ini. haha xp

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Sarawak~ a place yang best!

A place that is sweet enough to be forgotten for any people who has been here.
Honestly, i fall in love with this city due to the quite environment, no traffic
jam occurs, leisure drive, lifestyle that is not moving fast enough and best of all
most of the people are friendly enough.
Been here on march actually and sorry due to the restriction of time,
only now i'm able to share with all of u.

Gonna go again to this place for another venture! that's for sure..

till we meet again Sarawak! :)

Friday, May 22, 2009

an end towards the hectic life

life as a student always seems cheerful, tired, happy, sad, crazy, and many more.
say as what u want to say because every people live their own life.

mine has been great since the day i have entered the primary school and due to that i thank GOD for all of the happy moment i am able to enjoy for the past 17 years that i have spent in school, boarding school and university.
when we lost something that's value-able then at that moment
we feel our life is not complete
as what it is. we think and search on our memory cells'
trying hardly to remember those precious
moment that we had enjoyed.
and because of that, we're gonna appreciate it more than anyone
could do because in present we are dealing with something that
is same everyday for the rest of our life.

even though my life as an engineering student is a bit misery and not been able to enjoy the university life, yet there is still gonna be some part
of the memory left behind especially escaping
those boring classes, hanging out till midnight at
mamak stall chit chatting on something that might be
useful and sometimes just a stupid chat.
but i am pretty sure that
those memory will always stay inside my mind once
i enter the working life.
not to deny that it might gonna be amazing for the first 2 or 3 years when i start working as a civil engineer
but when it comes towards some point or specific
word for it critical region of doing the same thing
everyday, definitely im gonna be bored doing it.

everyday getting up from bed exactly at 6 am. having breakfast until 7.30 am. go to work at 7.30 and be back at 5.00 pm everyday. imagine everyday doing the same routine until i retired. what a pathetic life it is.
then come into my mind this one question that im still unable to answer and i believe most of the poeple still have not been able to find this asnwer as well.

"what do i want in this life? where am i going actually?"

this kind of question always be in my mind
and sent me to sleep every single night without
having an aswer towards it.
what do i really search in my life. what kind of life do i really want to live. what i mean by kind of life is not a life that every
people aimed for such as "i wanna be successful!", "i wanna be rich" and so forth.
this kind of thinking is not something that we really want to achieve because of the environment that we are
living in present that makes us think that way.
what im delivering now is something that my heart really want it to be. a life that i wont regret when im quite old enough later on.

up until now.. still searching...
have u found ur answer towards ur life?
think about it dear readers..

this is the answer that i leave for all of u.

"what are the things that u really seek in life"

u dont need to answer me because im not the person who u should tell.
it is u, yourself that needs to hear it.

warms regards~ :)

Saturday, April 25, 2009

sweet tournment

having life with friend will always makes our days brighter and happy compare experiencing it all alone.
sometimes, people tend to throw away the friendship just because of the small thing happen.
people are sellfish in their own way.
depends on ourselves to accept it as what it is.
some people tend to learn how to forgive and forget.
some people also learn only how to forgive but hard to forget.
and the worst type of all, the one who does not know how to forgive yet forget.
we think we always right eventho we are wrong.
which type are we?
evaluate ourselves.
some of principle we have strained ourselves to follow it and sometimes, we break it for
 the good sake of other human being.
what ever it is, friend will always come and go.
remember that.
never make an enemy.
thousand friends are easy to compromise but one enemy is hard enough to handle.
choose which one we want to deal with our life. 

warm regards~

Thursday, April 23, 2009

kegawatan ekonomi seorang pelajar

apabila tiba pertengahan bulan yakni sekarang (20-27) melanda. di dalam konteks bulan yang tidak kira apa.. aku acap kali mengalami masalah yang sama iaitu kehabisan duit perberlanjaan bagi bulan yang sepatutnya.
aku miskin sekarang.
didalam dompet hanya tinggal rm 1.
untuk hidup selama seminggu yang bakal datang.
makan apa?
makan hati ataw pun oat yang telah aku beli sekian lama.
santapan tengahari?
tidak perlu kerana kais pagi makan pagi kais petang makan petang.
itulah maksud peribahasa orang2 melayu zaman dahulu kala.
bisnes tidak lagi difikirkan kerana di dalam otak tidak mempunyai apa2 perancangan.
first thing first..
assignment haruslah disiapkan.
test bakal mendatang,
project transportation yang aku blank mahu lakukan.
esok ada tournament squash pula yang bakal mengugat setiap pintu2 cell di dalam badanku agar bekerja lebih keras.
yaa. hidup memang susah.
tapi itulah kenangan yang dapat disemadikan apabila menjelang hari tua nanti.
asam garam kehidupan.
perlu lengkap setiap rempah ratusnya agar kehidupan di hati tua lebih bermakna kerana setiap susah payah akan dikenang untuk dijadikan cerita pada anak cucu yang bakal datang.
peduli apa kerana rezeki datang dari tuhan.
tidak kira apa caranya kalau mahu datang ia akan datang.
jangan gusarkan hati memikirkan benda yang boleh membingungkan diri sendiri hingga jadi bengong.

teruskan kehidupan seperti tiada apa yang berlaku,
hidup ini memang palat, tetapi esok masih ada... :)

Monday, March 23, 2009

new side story of my life

band mix-o-lydient,
sila la tengok dan bagi feed back yer
(yana, matpik, goh, ishrat, hazim dan juga tomen)
bende ni baru siap buat tadi time tengah duduk kat tingkap
rasa angin malam.
nanti bagi taw macam mana dengan lyric ni.

-verse 1-
Masa semakin singkat,
Usia semakin meningkat,
hidup masih juga belum puas,
melebihi segala pangkat dan darjat,

-verse 2-
Wang dijadikan mainan,
Mengisi segala keinginan,
Kuasa apa yang dijadikan rebutan,
Tergoda dengan hasil pujukan syaitan,

Dunia kini semakin hilang kepercayaan,
Anak-anak kecil hidup di dalam igauan,
Manusia ramai bertopengkan syaitan,
Kehilangan segala bentuk sifat kemanusiaan,

-guitar solo-

-verse 3-
Hanya malam menjadi tempat sandaran,
Melepaskan segala bentuk rintihan,
Menjadi pendengar kepada setiap keluhan,
Tentang dunia yang semakin kehancuran

Dunia kini semakin hilang kepercayaan,
Anak-anak kecil hidup di dalam igauan,
Manusia ramai bertopengkan syaitan,
Kehilangan segala bentuk sifat kemanusiaan,

now just tinggal nak cari melody untuk lagu nie and
dicadangkan key untuk lagu nie pakai key D

and lagu nie sebenarnya influence by symphonia punya band.
soo kalau boleh sound die nak neoclassical.
sama2 kita usahakan yer band mates sekalian~

good night!!

warms regards~~


Sunday, March 22, 2009


today i'm back in my hometown.
got nothing to do.
just got back from playing futsal with school mates back in semashur.
meet up with aliff aminuddin who just got back from japan.
he's gonna spend his holidays in malaysia up till 4 april.
every body now is happy and enjoying their own life.
i am stuck even though now it is my mid semester break.
stuck with assignments and homework to be done.
gonna go to kuching this coming friday and be back in kl on sunday.
trip to kuching might be wonderful enough but thinking on the second thought,
i might miss the practice session with my band-mates in block b on that same sunday night
where the night i am gonna be on the airplane from kuching airport to klia.
what a terrible feeling i have right now.
somehow, i need to practice a lot of things!
  • singing
  • doing homeworks
  • finished up assignments
  • lab report that supposed to be submitted after mid semester break ended
miss the old days.
everything seems like it move on like a water in the river
slow yet constantly moving in the right direction to the sea.
but now, the water came to the part where the water needs to find its own way or path
to overcome the obstacle in front or in their path to get back in the right direction.
need a blazer but dont have money to buy it.
gotta find a new purple t-shirt but don't know where to find it.
need improvement for singing yet still not hitting it.
life to me seems dull and empty.
when u have seen much things, u will come to a point that u feel something in your life is not right.
u want to change it badly and not appreciate it the way it is.
but the time is constraint and u'll realize the more u try to change it, the more things
get in the way.
people always said "just folow the flow".
but we are the one that have to decide it which flow that we want to follow.
either to go with it or go against it.
each move that we choose will lead to its own consequences.
just prepared mentally and physically for it.
what a gloomy night....
gotta go now. the engineering statistics book still lay in front of me.
untouched! gotta open it and study the tutorial.
aim for the highest thing in your life.
work like there will be no tomorrow for you.
enjoy the things that makes u happy like it is the last time u are doing it.
sleep like a baby when u still have time for it.
thinks like an adult when ure having a problem and needs to solve it.
dont think about the result because u know u have worked for it.
good night....

warms regards...

Saturday, March 7, 2009

interesting night

tonight, well, its quite an interesting night after all.
meet up with indera and ishrat. we hang out at darus salam.
talk about lots of thing especially getting more information from
the walking wikipedia which is indera of course. if its not, how come he has been labeled
as wikiINDERA rather than wikipedia by our group.
gosh! he got a lots of info
and believes me, if u ask anything, he can answer your
question because he's a man who
really likes to read. and for sure if there's a girl who wants to ask anything
and she find him at the first place, for sure when the girl leave, it will leave a very strong impression on that girl's mind
after she talked to this guy.

we went back to indera's house to play some instrument thing = guitar and keyboard.
i learn how to play viva la vida by coldplay using keyboard
haha the chord is simple!
C, D, G and E.

then came another theory part. which is the song can be improvise
by using a half step note higher or lower.
well since im not good in theory and a beginner, of course this new some
sort of information really makes me happy.
well, music is abstract and depends on every people's opinion to define it.
so lets put a full stop to it.
and the best part of it, i wanna take a new song that he composed
and try to suit in with the lyrics for the melody!
haha. gonna learn how to do it.
what ever it is,
still its a great noght tonight!

warms regards~


P/s : if you wanna see a malaysian bad that really rocks the house, just click this url!
cool nak mati lagu dia!

8th week of study in UTP

a tiring week.
that's what i can say regarding this coming week.

tuesday - have a probability and statistic test
wednesday - have a theory of structure test
- briefing by education sponsorship unit
thursday - have to submit assignment transportation engineering
- lab in the morning for concrete technologies
- 2 classes of transportation engineering
friday - probably have to submit assignment theory of structure again
- jamming session at night
saturday - got to come back to kl for the wedding day of my sister
- at night probably another jamming session for eupho.
sunday - gonna be busy with the arrangement of the wedding ceremony
- after 12, gonna be back to utp again.

waaaaaaaaaaaa.! im gonna die for this.
what ever it is, this morning i saw something live in front
of my eyes. really.
from the start of the incident until the fellar
fell of and lay down quietly. but the sad part of it,
im not be able to help that fellar. poor him. hopefully there are
cars that will stop by and take him to the hospital.
wish him gonna be fine and not having bad injuries. sigh.
for the poeple that gonna drive a long journey, make sure that ure not fall asleep.
if u do, just take a break, have a cup of coffee and regain your consiousness.!
eventhough it might seems leceh, but who knows,
it might save your life! until next time, take care!

warms regard~ =)

Monday, February 16, 2009

sorry. sorry. sorry

its been awhile since i post my last topic here. tracing back the date, its
 almost a month since i didnt write anything. been kinda busy lately. 
clashes with the classes here in university, commitment towards the things
 im working on, keep up with the study pace, waaah.. its tiring when we become a student especially in university. 
every single thing must be carried out orurselves.
 the more we suffer, the more our mind will be put into a critical state. 
and for sure, it will affect our life and social system.
 time must be divided equally for every purposes
 so that things wont be procastinated. haa.. just barely got a time to update. but i promise to divide and manage time properly this semester!
 yeah! meet u guys again. =)

warms regards~ =) 

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Oh Angin...

something has really caught my mind just now when i sat
at the window near to my bed.
tonight it is a full moon. what a view! well consider im lucky because im still able
to enjoy the view of a moon at night and it is a full moon.
its a windy night precisely.
to GOD, im thanking you for what im able to have right now.
im thanking you GOD for the food that im able to eat, for the peace that im able to enjoy,
for the friends that are always there for me, for the family that always
shows their love towards me.

Consider Im lucky!
hell yeah! why should not i?
compare to many people out there who is not having this kind of
pleasure to enjoy. a poor kid and baby in palestin who is now being bombed by
that damned israelis who violates and did not respect
the rules in war.

well im no one to say much about this. just pray and hope that things will turns out
in a better way. Hoping for the rise in ummah yet im kind of naive to believe it.
Fact is a fact.
Nothing can changed it. But by GOD's will.
The problem is, many people claims that they are Islamic follower yet, are they
a muslim that really holds their virtues and what they believe?
think about it for second.
yeah. many of you will questioned me back by provoking am i too good or am i
pious enough to say thing like this?
but that is the truth. we are not able to change it untill
we are not afraid to sacrifice the things that really precious to us.
our brother and sister are killed each second and what are we doing? sleeping in a good
condition under the blanket. in a good air conditioning system.

just forget about it.
like what we know,
"kalau mula bercerita, memang lebat dentam
dentum kalah orang yang sibuk debat harga minyak"
"tapi apa ada? habuk pon tarak la ni."

action speaks louder than words!
words speak louder than action.

what ever it is, i think im gonna post something really exciting.
how does the wind occurs~
yeah! been thinking about it.
later on i might update on how the wind occurs and the process is.
kindda interested in it.
if anyone knows, please, please and please tell me! :D

warms regards

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


when u tried ur best.. but u dont succeed,
when u get what u want, but its not what u need..
-coldplay - fixed you-

well, there's nothing that i can say much about it.
i bet that most of u guys really know and understand on how does it feels when things are not going
according to what we planned right?
sometimes, what we aimed is far beyond the bull's eyes.
what can i say about it?


nothing came into my mind on how to express this kind of feeling. worst come to worst, we
just have to absorb it.


yeah! just smile and accept it as what it is. set the new target. do not be over confident when
dealing with it. just give your best shot towards it.

what ever it is, only this one thing that can make me move forward and
be motivated




Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Counting days...

Result hampir keluar!
im gonna be a dead meat..
horror horror horror!!
semoga semua usaha berbaloi.. im not asking to be in a dean's list!
just that hopefully all my hard work berbaloi for this new result compare to last sem!
gosh! im out of words! Horror.. Horror Horror!!!
wish me luck!!

p/s: btw just wait for the new info for vacation in Pangkor Island ya! :D

wish me luck again ya..

Friday, January 2, 2009

Langkawi has been raped!! BY US!!!.. :D

" Any area could be designated as geopark if they possess
geoheritage features and outstanding geological
landscape within
which they form the nucleus for the
development of local communities
through conservation and
ecotourism . Essentially ,a geopark should
have components
of conservation ,local community and ecotourism


Hello guys! i'm back! back to the track for keeping u guys updated with
my journey! And oh well! yeah! forgot to say the most important thing!
Happy New Year! Happy 2009! and the most important part of it! For those
who are celebrating their wonderful birthday along this day, happy birthday
and may god bless u and may u succeeded in what ever u're working with! :D

As what i've promised to u guys before, it is the time when i'll update
u guys with budget trip to langkawi island~ yeah, dont get too excited ya! :P

okay! from Kuala Lumpur, there are basically four ways on getting to
Langkawi island from Kuala Lumpur.

  • Bus
  • Aeroplane
  • Car
  • Train

There are two station that u are able to purchase ticket if you want to go by bus. First is the Hentian Puduraya and second one is Hentian Duta. The bus ticket is fixed RM 43.00 for a single trip. But if u purchase the ticket from the both station i've mentioned, it is only for a single trip from both station to Kuala Perlis bus station. Don't worry because when u arrived at the station of Kuala Perlis, u can still be able to purchase the ticket for heading back to KL at the same price.
Most common buses that have a trip to Kuala Perlis station is MARA LINER, Transnasional and Etika Delta company. the journey is approximately 7 - 8 Hours. But they do stop at 2 places along the way for having a break and for the toilet session. :D

from Kuala Lumpur international airport, or from the low cost carrier terminal (LCCT), air asia and malaysian airlines provides u a flight twice a day to the airport of langkawi island if i'm not mistaken. the fares for the journey u are able to check with their websites since the price is not fixed due to the early booking and may changes without prior noticed. For more info, u can google it and check it for yourself. here are a few link that will direct u straight for the booking flight ticket.

From kuala Lumpur, just take any exit at PLUS highway and headed straight north to Kuala Perlis. The signboard will always be useful along the way. for ticket price, i'm sorry because i'm not so sure about it. The journey is approximately around 6 or 7 hours depending on your speed. if you're speeding at 160Km/h, then the time estimated will be less than the time that i've mentioned.

From Kuala Lumpur, the price for a single ticket is RM 21.00 for economy class. The journey is 14 hours from Kuala Lumpur to Arau station which is the station that is near to Kuala Perlis jetty. The view is quite magnificent and for the best time to take the train is departured at night. U'll find it amazing and relaxing because the view at night is fantastic! :) from the arau station, u can take a taxi that will charge u RM 24 to the jetty of Kuala Perlis. but be smart and car pool with a few people to pay less. the journey from Arau station to jetty of Kuala Perlis is 20 minutes. for more info on the ticket price and booking, feel free to view this website,

The ticket for a single trip to Pulau Langkawi is RM18.00. the ticket only can be purchased at the ticket counter at the jetty itself. there are quite few ferry services provider and what ever it is, never buy it from people who are selling the ticket without going to the counter. What i mean is that u might be cheated for the ferry ticket. Buy it straight from the counter itself.

Okay! done with the transportation on getting to Langkawi island. next let's move on to the accommodation thing! I prefer to stay in Pantai Chenang or Pantai Tengah since both of this place is quite strategic to the sea and as well as to the night life compare to other places and Kuah town. Disadvantages of staying at Kuah town is that, around 10 p.m the shops are closed and the town is like dead and becoming like a cowboy town compare to this two place. Besides, this two places is quite easy for a tourist who go to langkawi to get food and the price is quite the same as in Kuala Lumpur. One of the best restaurant in Pantai Chenang is Kedai Haji Ramli where they serve local food but with a great and delicious taste. the price is affordable and not expensive at all.

Chicken Rice at Haji Ramli restaurant.

Mixed Rice provided by the Haji Ramli restaurant.

This time i went to langkawi with my utpian-mates, we stayed at Charlie's motel. the rates for the room is RM 85 for one night. but they provides two queen's bed, 24-hour air conditioner, TV, and as well toilet inside of the room. so, for a room, 4 people can be put and the amount of payment to be made can be reduced to RM 20 per person for a night. we went there and book 2 rooms for 2 nights. but hey! since yana and her brother came along, we split the ratio of 8 person to 2-6 for both room. guess what, we still can fit all in for the 6 person sharing one room! just imagine how big is their bed! :D *i'm a bit impressed when i thinked of it*

Well, here are the links that will direct and give you a few places on a budget motel that you are able to get in Langkawi island.

Bills for staying 2 nights at Charlies motel.

Charlie's Motel, Pantai Tengah

The car rental for 3 days and 2 nights that we stayed in Langkawi is only RM 320! Want to know what kind of car that we rented? Definetly not a van! hell no to Van! We managed to get a Toyota Innova for 2 days and the payment is only RM 320! Just imagine the space and comfortable of the car and it suits 8 person compare to a van. Besides, the performance of the Innova is better than any cheap Van that will cost us more than we are able to pay~. For more information on getting the car, u can deal with this person :
  • Toro : 012-5533721
  • Faisal : 012-5752665

Second day at pulau langkawi, we just chilling around and tour the island! Stop for a lunch and had Laksa Langkawi (Which is extremely delicious) near the Kampung Beras Terbakar and after that we went to Tanjung Rhu to drink Coconut and just stay near to the beach and had Pisang Goreng. The view was beautiful and the sea breeze was cool thou. Then we headed to Pantai Pasir Hitam to see ourselves the black sand. If u learn Geology 101, then u will know why the sand is black compare to other sands since the mineral content is consists of what mineral and the colour of the mineral itself. After the trip to black sand beach, we headed back to our motel because all of us wanted to swim at the sea.

- Laksa Langkawi at kampung beras terbakar -

- Cendol at Kampung Beras Terbakar -

Tanjung Rhu - pantai yang cantik -

- Kampung Beras Terbakar -

- Beras Terbakar at Kampung Beras Terbakar -

Sharp at 7.30, we headed to Medan Nelayan Ikan bakar at Bukit Malut to enjoy seafood! The price was unbelieveable! It was cheap! For 8 persons having 6 fishes (siakap sweet sour-2, siakap bakar-2, pari-2), prawns (butter prawns), vegetable (kailan ikan masin), a jug of orange juice and squid (udang goreng tepung), and Kerang bakar, it only cost us RM 250! the food was delicious!

- Origin of Pantai Pasir Hitam -

- night life in pantai Chenang-

Then the third day was the day that we have to leave langkawi island since most of us wanted to celebrate New year in Kuala Lumpur. So we check out from the hotel at 11 a.m and headed to Kuah town to buy some sourveniours and chocolates for our family members. At 2 p.m we departed from Kuah jetty to Kuala Perlis jetty. Our bus was at 3.45 so we did not want to be late. but guess what!! the bus was late by an hour and half! ended up.. we celebrate New year by the coolest event of all which is inside the bus! Hahaha sorry guys! I've tried my best~ hahaha but surely it will be an event that we will never forget! celebrate new year inside bus! hahah cool right??!! hahahah

If u guys have anything to ask regarding the trip to langkawi, just drop me a comment and i'll reach back to u as soon as possible~

warms regards~